Friday, October 2, 2009


With only a few more days of the voyage left here is a link to post "Congratulations" messages to the crew!


Shawn said...

Well done Alguita! I've been following you daily, and am inspired to do some camping at Ka`alu`alu Bay next week- just around the the bend from Kamilo Beach. One of my most favorite spots on the island. I've been spreading the word on your mission as much as possible. Congratulations, and Aloha

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Your efforts are an inspiration to continue the fight against plastic and the awareness of its toxicity to both the sea and humans.

Thank you so much for keeping up the hard work, continuing the research and informing the public. Without your efforts we would not be where we are today.

Glad to have you back home on land soon. Enjoy the last few legs of the journey!

David Holmstrom said...

Your are doing a great work to indicate the severe impact of all plastic on the world and the sea. It saddens me deeply that you have to take such a journey, but how grateful I am you are doing it . . . .Five long cheers of appreciation . . .

Anonymous said...

Capitan Charles quiero enviarle las gracias a usted y a todo el equipo por la labor que estan haciendo, gracias porque a traves de ustedes pude enterarme de la situacion tan grave que esta nuestros oceanos por los desperdicios plasticos, ahora con mas consciencia estoy tambien colaborando en divulgar sobre su trabajo y la fundacion para que aprendamos a separar la basura y evitar que vaya a nuestros mares.

Captain Charles I just want to thank you and to thank the entire team for the work you are doing, thank you because through you I learned of the situation so serious that our oceans are suffering by plastic waste, but now I'm also helping to expand the word to the spanish speaking in this area, in west palm Florida to let them know the importance to separate the garbage
Thank you so much

Anonymous said...

Capitan Charles quiero enviarle las gracias a usted y a todo el equipo por la labor que están haciendo, gracias porque a traves de ustedes pude enterarme de la situación tan grave que se encuentrab nuestros oceanos por los desperdicios plásticos, ahora con mas consciencia estoy tambien colaborando en divulgar sobre su trabajo y sobre la fundación para que entre todos aprendamos a separar la basura y evitar que vaya a nuestros mares.

Captain Charles I just want to thank you and to thank the entire team for the work you are doing, thank you because through you I learned the serious situation that our oceans are suffering by plastic waste, but now I'm also helping to expand the word to the spanish speaking in this area, in west palm Florida to let them know the importance to separate the garbage to avoid this to go to our oceans
Thank you so much

Robb Hamilton said...

Hey Capt Moore and Crew! You must be feeling pretty salty by now -- I hope to be able to celebrate with you when you're back in slightly less salty Long Beach next week!


Ann Denisoa said...

I may not be able to make the coming-home party soooo
Welcome home and congratulations for an important job well done to Charlie and crew.
Thanks so much for all you have done--and are doing to raise awareness of our need to all be involved in making our world a cleaner and better place to live--for us and all the other creatures.
Ann Denison

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I have been following your blog what a trip
I have sailed on the ORV and know what it's like. I hope to see you here in Loreto,BCS,Mexico soon to see The Big Fish. We hope to be opening the doors sometime in Feb.2010. Tell then Gods speed.Ole Olsen

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I am very proud of the work you all are doing. You have inspired me to help spread the word to my friends, and to pick up litter at the beach every time I visit to prevent more plastic from entering the ocean. Great job!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I am proud of the work you all are doing. I wish I could be there for the welcome back, but I live in Florida. You have inspired me to spread the word to my friends, and to pick up litter every time I go to the beach (which is often) to prevent more plastic from entering the ocean. Great job!

Anonymous said...

welcome back! Congrats for what you have done.
I've been following your work as much as I could. I think You've made a great work out there, but there are too much work to do for now on into the lab. So enjoy this moment, you deserve it!!. Let's party with you all and after that keep working and let's know what you found out!
I rise my glass of wine and I just want to say Thanks for share this wonderful work with me and let me take part of it. Cheers!!
Marcela Hernandez Leon
escuela Nª41 Montevideo Uruguay.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, well done all of you, and a big thank you.

Spenser said...

This is a very important cruise and an incredible opportunity for all those on board. Now stop preaching to the choir and let the world know what's happened to our oceans!