Okay now back to what happened on the ship. We seriously rode off into the sunset with sails filled with fair winds. As the sky darkened and the moon took over we had a visitor. A Red Footed Booby settled on our railing and stayed there like a hood ornament until 6am. I know because I was on watch from 2am to 6am and he helped keep me awake.
Bonnie Monteleone

-Jennifer, my fellow trashound and partner in crime- thanks for all your support!
-Balloons though festive are a menace to the environment so thank you for your efforts to educate. Way to get those boys on the right track. They are part of the solution.
-Sr. Chief, we got each others back and will keep the positions coming. Aloha
-Thanks for recruiting viewers Tim. It’s all about awareness! Surfrider Foundation has been a leader in helping young people understand their role in reducing plastic pollution. Mahalo
Each drop of the ocean is important so keep the drops coming with respect to educating people on the problems with balloons. Thank you for your efforts and by all means we’d appreciate the link!
-Azura Skye, thank you for your comment and letting us know our efforts are working. It’s contagious and we are confident you will infect another person and on it goes to create change. Best to you Azura and stay tuned!
-Great question Rob! Mary Donahue and Dave Foley collaborated on a published paper “2007 Remote sensing reveals links among the endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal, marine debris, and El Nino. Marine Mammal Science, 23(2):468-473.” Thanks Rob W. Thanks
-Herb, we’re off to a great start finding wind to carry us over 100 nm. in 30 hours. Thanks for the well wishing and please keep in touch.
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